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"I have consistently seen 100% improvement in the blood of 100% of the cases I have studied before and after the use of the Bio-Scalar technology. "With an FDA-approved test for cellular absorption rates, which never had a single recorded case of improved numbers..100% show documented improvement after 1 hour in the Bio-Scalar Environment!"
Alvita Soleil, OMD after a 4-year research study on the effects of a 4-unit EE System on motor neurone disease and ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis).
"My patients had stress reduction, easier meditations, better sleep and increased learning. Some reported complete healing of chronic conditions after only half an hour. 85-90% experienced a deep sense of love, relaxation, expanded awareness, tingling, increased libido, clarity and energy improvement. They came out feeling very happy!"
"People experiencing the EE System report an increased sense of well-being, more energy, better sleep and pain control. Others have been healed of blindness, diabetes, trauma, cataracts and stress."
"This is a powerful energy enhancer that promotes very deep states of ultimate relaxation - if we allow it - from which any and all healing can occur."
Clinical results from Oncologist Dr A Victor Marcial-Vega, MD, 132 Patient clinical study.
"The scalar space facilitates the development of positive mental health. The participants that took part in this study experienced:
- Being more present, living in the now. The person is less attached to the past with traumas and the future with anxieties.
- Being more inner-driven than outer motivated (trusting their inner sense of direction).
- Being more loving towards themselves in spite of their perceived limitations and weaknesses.
Some even canceled future sessions because they felt healed."
Clinical results from Dr Lana J Marconi, PHD, THD, Dr Alvita Soleil, OMD, A group of 29 adult men and women from the Big Island, Hawaii participated in a P.O.I study conducted by Dr Marconi.
"Case #2: 37 y.o. male Native American Vet, discharged on partial disability for brachial plexus neuropathy, presents complaining of 30-month history of muscle weakness "no strength," and 2-year history of upper extremity numbness from shoulder to thumb and index fingers, with sensation only upon deep pressure.
Within 20 minutes of his 1st EES session, he reported return of sensation, "I haven't felt this part of my arm in nearly 2 years!" At the end of his one-hour EES session, he reported return of upper extremity strength, and his hand shake grip. Within a week of his EES session, he regained his ability to once again successfully fly aircraft."